Emerging from the dark heart of Indonesia, Demon Sacrifice stands as an embodiment of raw, unfiltered chaos, unleashing an infernal blend of Black Metal and MetalPunk that is as relentless as it is haunting. With their unique sound and aggressive approach, the band has carved a path through the shadows, bringing a fresh yet deeply sinister energy to the underground scene. We were fortunate enough to have a very interesting interview with them. Demon Sacrifice is a name you will want to remember, so prepare yourself for the dark journey ahead.

Demon Sacrifice is just getting started.

F.D.M. - Welcome to the FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine. Tell us a few things about DEMON SACRIFICE (Members, Starting Year etc).
DEMON SACRIFICE - DEMON SACRIFICE is a black metal punk project from the abyss located in the special region of Yogyakarta Indonesia, with members: Moonlight Cult in Darkness: Guitar (Rhythm), Bloody, Massacre of Death: Bass, Black Funeral Terror: Drums, Praise from the Abyss: Vocals, infernal Cursed of Night: Guitar (Lead). formed in mid-2023, and released the first demo in early 2024 and launched the debut opus Ep in mid-2024, released on cassette and cd with the labels ironbound records (IDN), Morbid and misserable record (US) and the metal head box (US).

F.D.M. - You have recently released your EP ''Under the Blacklight of Divine''. What is the feedback from your audience as well as from the press?
DEMON SACRIFICE - For the first time releasing debut ep, the response of all listeners was very good and enthusiastic, seen in the sale of merchandise and cassettes during the tour sold out, and we think in Indonesia there are still few who play the black metal genre with a punk mix, maybe that's something that underlies many who are curious. when we tour in Indonesia, it's enthusiastic and crowded.

F.D.M. - How did your cooperation with Ironbound Records occur? And what do you prefer most, label or DIY and why?
DEMON SACRIFICE - At that time we were discussing with all members of Demon Sacrifice, we discussed whether we wanted to release it independently or with a label, and we decided to look for a record label. actually there are pros and cons in both of those things, if we release it DIY, it will be troublesome because we also have other activities but maybe in terms of sales profits we can take it ourselves, but if we are with a label maybe we can get points such as wide reach with listeners abroad and networking is more established between other bands, and it is less troublesome because everything has been done by the label, in terms of finances we share it with the record label. and how can we be connected and work together with ironbound at that time I had been looking at this label for a long time, and we offered all our EP material to be released, and it turned out they agreed and until now we are still under the auspices of Ironbound records.

F.D.M. - Is there any funny or weird story from the recordings or from your live shows that you would like to share with us?
DEMON SACRIFICE - One thing we want to tell is that Demon Sacrifice had never done a live performance before, and after we released the EP we immediately dared to go on tour, that was the funniest thing maybe because we didn't think about how it would turn out, but it was a very unique and enjoyable experience to be able to tour.

F.D.M. - Do you prefer Vinyl, Tape, CD or Digital Format and why is that?
DEMON SACRIFICE - We prefer physical release formats such as vinyl CDs because it is a work that can be held, listened to and collected, unlike digital formats that can only be listened to.

F.D.M. - Your music style is Black MetalPunk. Which are your main influences (Favourite Artists / Bands etc.)
DEMON SACRIFICE - Yes, we play black metal with a mix of punk, we are influenced by music like Bathory, Venom, Darkthone, Tribulation and Devil Master and all the bands that inspire us.

F.D.M. - Which things do you think a band should sacrifice in order to succeed? Have you ever sacrificed anything in your life for a better future for your band?
DEMON SACRIFICE - Actually, nothing is sacrificed in a band, but perhaps the point is the dedication of a member in keeping the band alive, such as consistency in creating work and of course enthusiasm for new things, that is what we sacrifice for our dedication to playing music.

F.D.M. - Describe your ideal live show as a performance band. Have you already experienced that?
DEMON SACRIFICE - During the tour we felt that all the performances were very ideal from the sound and audience all united in a performance and eternal ritual in the banquet at the event.

F.D.M. - What attributes do you think that a new Black MetalPunk Band should have in order to gain identity and be unique?
DEMON SACRIFICE - From us, maybe the first thing to look at during the show is corpse paint for the face, a characteristic of black metal, original Swedish Petroff leather jackets, leather vests, robes, punk spike bracelets, band t-shirts that relate to black metal punk and bullet belts, that's a demon sacrifice armor during the show.

F.D.M. - Do you believe that Digital Platforms help the new Black MetalPunk Bands? Which, do you think, is the ideal way for a band to promote its work?
DEMON SACRIFICE - It can be said to be very helpful, because a band needs a wide reach between countries and abroad to promote their work and a new movement, because on the platform we can access all information about a new or old band along with their album archives, and that is very important in an era where the world is increasingly sophisticated in social media.

F.D.M. - Do you see any differences between the Indonesian Metal Market & the EU Metal Market (Labels, Bands, Fans etc)?
DEMON SACRIFICE - Maybe it can be said to be different because maybe the influence and concept that is raised and the way of promotion and creating this big band is our opinion. but we also cannot deny that many bands from Europe, America, etc. are influenced by it.

F.D.M. - Tell us a few things about the New Underground Metal Scene in Indonesia (Bands, Fanzines, Webzines, Metal Clubs etc.)
DEMON SACRIFICE - Very rapid development in recent years, many underground metal musicians in Indonesia have produced many albums and works, and all are very good. like our senior "exhumation" who is in the same region as demon sacrifice in Yogyakarta they are also one of our inspirations in continuing underground metal here. yesterday exhumation has released a full album and has launched a tour to Europe and all over Indonesia, that is one of the best achievements, and very encouraging for Indonesian musicians where Indonesia has a big band that is able to compete in the European market. hail exhumation!

F.D.M. - Do you know anything about the Hellenic Metal Scene?
DEMON SACRIFICE - I know, but I didn't pay attention to the details.

F.D.M. - The last 4 years, worldwide in the world, we have faced many dark, strange & new situations in our everyday life (covid, lock-down etc.) Did all of this affect you positively or negatively?
DEMON SACRIFICE - Yeah I know, it's a very unfortunate moment where all underground music players around the world are in lockdown and directly make the event ecosystem completely non-existent, and make small musicians lose the moment to promote albums and others, and make the economy chaotic and schedule changes because of the pandemic.

F.D.M. - What are your future plans?
DEMON SACRIFICE - We have planned to make an album for the future project, and we have prepared a material for the agenda of the split project with 4 bands, which will be informed soon, certainly in 2025! Beware.

F.D.M. - Thank you very much for your time & keep up the good work! The closure is yours.
DEMON SACRIFICE - Thank you also for interviewing us and full support for demon sacrifice and all underground music around the world, sorry again we just replied to this interview, but this is a fitting moment, at that time we had not toured and had not had much experience either, and we seemed to be able to answer the above questions because of a lot of experience during the tour.

Eternal hails FILTHY DOGS OF METAL.!!!!! VI VI VI.


Interview by Steve the Filthy Dog.

DEMON SACRIFICE Contact: mydemonsacrifice@gmail.com

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