After three years from the initial date for this release to see the light of day, Murder Records now has the honor of announcing its return to activities and for that we are going to pick up where things left off and we are honored to finally present the release of the reissue on cassette of ORGIA NUCLEAR's first album, an infamous project that emerged from the diabolical mind of the profane Jonathan Hellthrasher Maniac, an explosive creature from the nauseating Brazilian underworld.
"O Retorno Do Caos Total A Exterminação Completa" are the apocalyptic extilations of the first record "Caos Total" that ORGIA NUCLEAR originally released in 2012, being fully re-recorded by Armando Exekutör in his gutarra, where he executes us with his desimating solos.
Bitch Hunter with his bass guitar that butchers us with the spacing of a fearless drums, while we are shot with the bass of Jonathan Hellthrasher Maniac who is also responsible for the blasphemous vomits and a whole explovive concept in constant destructive chaos for a total extermination.
Complementing this with an Intro and three more songs never released, compositions made at that time and today in a concistent way gain a totally independent form with a Rock N Hell rebellion in this new album of ORGIA NUCLEAR, mixing and mastering by Bitch Hunter in 2020 and that is now presented here to smash you against a wall.
There were many cycles and challenges that ORGIA NUCLEAR faced over the years, but always writing their history in a dignified and authentic way, without selling out or surrendering to the miserable stardom that infests the Underground and to which many end up selling themselves!
The real NUCLEAR ORGIA ideals have always been against this kind of attitudes and they intend to continue spreading chaos, stepping on the heads of the weak, with musical perversity, keeping a marginal and aggressive line in their lyrics, ideas of revolt, visions of horror about this world and its submissive humanity. Even with all that, there were never any barriers that couldn't be broken or blown up in order to follow the march of chaos and Thrash Metal explosion.
Over the years ORGIA NUCLEAR has managed to create its own genre that we can include in the true Speed Black Thrash Metal Punk Marginal that will explode your brain.
“O Retorno Do Caos Total A Eliminação Completa”
Cassette Limited Edition of 100 copies hand-numbered
50 Copies with Orange Cassettes.
50 Copies in double color White & Red Cassettes.
01 - Intro
02 - Caos Total
03 - Combustível Profano
04 - Desgraça Na Terra
05 - Inocência Corrompida
06 - Maníaco Sexual
Total Time: 13:23 Min.
07 - Força De Vontade
08 - Noite Perdida
09 - União Hellthrasher
10 – Traição
Total Time: 11.26 Min.
All lyrics by Jonathan Hellthrasher.
Songs by Orgia Nulear, except Combustível Profano, Inocência Corrompida and Força De Vontade by Bitch Hünter, and União Hellthrasher by Armando Exekutör.
Vocals originally recorded in August 2012 and instruments recorded in September 2020 at Vampire's Studio RJ in Brazil.
Solos recorded in November 2020 at Cavalcantes Studio.
Produced, mixed and mastered by: Bitch Hünter.
Traição is a bônus track extracted from the EP "Eliminando Os Falsos" Logo and Cover by Jonathan Hellthrasher Maniac Final layout by Alemão.
Jonathan Hellthrasher Maniac: Vocals & Bass
Bitch Hünter: Guitar, Bass, Drums & Backing Vocals
Armando Exekutör: Guitars
Line-up in the bônus track Traição:
Jonathan Hellthrasher Maniac: Vocals & Bass
HellsexmaniaxXx: Guitar & Backing Vocals
Hellragnar: Bass
Hellatomicsemen: Drums
RELEASE DATE: 13/09/2024
Official distributed by Hellstore Europe.
For all the stores and distros interested in distribute this new album from ORGIA NUCLEAR just ask for conditions and wholesales prices.
Pre-orders only available via HELLSTORE EUROPE where you can find a PRE-ORDER FORM, just fill it and send it to us.
If you want to review this album, interview the band or giving your support to promote this band and new release from Murder Records, just get in touch, all the support are hellcome to keep the True Underground alive and spread the news in the Underworld...
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